Monday, December 27, 2010

Destroyed Spray Equipment Pump - Expensive Christmas Present

Pest control spray tech ignored warning signs, cost company lots of $$. A little training would have prevented this.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Freeze damage to pest control spray eqpt is an expensive, but avoidable prob.  Find tips in our Pest Mgmt Mag article:

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Spray Equipment - It's Cheaper to Prevent Problems

Many of the problems we see with pest control sprayers and weed control spray rigs are avoidable.  Company owners and managers should train spray technicians to examine spray equipment to identify and prevent equipment problems before they impact customers and budgets.
This photo shows a worn belt that should be replaced BEFORE it fails in the field, costing the company money.  In this instance, the technician was on the ball and prevented a problem from occurring.

Worn Engine Belt Do you have similar stories?  We would love to hear them.  Please post your